SqlBak Blog

SqlBak.Job.Cli.exe reference manual

The sqlbak.job.cli.exe utility is a programming interface for working with the SqlBak application. It is located in the root directory where the application is installed.

This tool can be used to register the application, manage connections to DBMS, and import jobs from JSON configurations.

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How to backup SQL Server databases to multiple destinations

Storing backups only on a local disk is not a good practice, because you risk losing them if the disk becomes corrupted. It is recommended, therefore, that you send backups to multiple destinations to always be able to restore your databases. In this blog post, we will show how to create regular SQL Server backups and automatically send some of them to a local folder and some to the cloud (Azure Storage, for example) via SqlBak.

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How to automatically upload MySQL backup to FTP on Linux

The first thing a DBA should do after deploying a database is to ensure that backups are created regularly.

But storing a backup file on the same server where the MySQL server is located would be a big mistake. Therefore, you should create a backup and put it out of the server on which MySQL is located. The simplest solution would be to transfer it to another server via FTP.

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How to Find the Path to the MySQL Installation Directory on Windows and Add it to PATH Environment Variable

The main console utilities for working with MySQL are located in the directory where MySQL Server is installed. However, after installing MySQL Server, it is often difficult to find this directory. The best way is to add this path to your PATH environment variable, and then you can use MySQL and mysqldump utilities directly.

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