SqlBak Blog

How to backup and restore SQL Server on Linux

In this article, we will describe how to create a backup of a SQL Server that is installed on Linux.

How does SQL Server create a backup?

You can create a SQL Server backup by running the T-SQL command BACKUP DATABASE.This command saves the backup file to a specified directory. SQL Server backups are created quickly because it requires just copying data from the database files to the backup file.

When creating a backup, you do not need to stop SQL Server or switch it to single-user mode, and the database continues to work as usual during this operation.

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How to automatically upload MySQL backup to FTP on Linux

The first thing a DBA should do after deploying a database is to ensure that backups are created regularly.

But storing a backup file on the same server where the MySQL server is located would be a big mistake. Therefore, you should create a backup and put it out of the server on which MySQL is located. The simplest solution would be to transfer it to another server via FTP.

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Incremental MySQL Server Backup via Binary Log

Making backups is necessary, but doing this with large databases may involve high server load and using up storage space. And only creating a backup once a day or once a week could lead to losing hours of work. So how can you make backups more often without overloading the server? Incremental backups can help you with this.

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How to Automate PostgreSQL Database Backups in Linux

The solutions that are mentioned in this article work for any Linux distribution: Ubuntu, Red Hat, Open SUSE, CentOS, Debian, Oracle Linux, etc. However, the package installation commands may differ slightly.

The question of regular backups eventually comes up for any database management system. PostgreSQL is no exception. As a rule, the pg_dump utility, which is part of the PostgreSQL client, is used to create a hot backup.

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