SqlBak Blog

SqlBak Best Practice Guide

This guide contains recommendations for setting up a SqlBak backup job. This information has been developed and collected over years of interaction with SqlBak users. There will be no theory and formulas, only practical advice.

Note that these practices are not the only solutions. They are suitable in most cases, but can be fundamentally wrong under various circumstances.

Let’s consider the steps that are used to set up a backup job.

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Export/Import SqlBak job in a JSON file

Starting from SqlBak app version 3.2.9, you can export a job to a JSON file and then import it using the SqlBak.Job.Cli.exe utility. This functionality is needed primarily for automated deployment of the SqlBak application and backup jobs creation. A simple tutorial on how to do this is described in the following blog post: How to deploy SqlBak app automatically.

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SqlBak.Job.Cli.exe reference manual

The sqlbak.job.cli.exe utility is a programming interface for working with the SqlBak application. It is located in the root directory where the application is installed.

This tool can be used to register the application, manage connections to DBMS, and import jobs from JSON configurations.

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How to backup SQL Server databases to multiple destinations

Storing backups only on a local disk is not a good practice, because you risk losing them if the disk becomes corrupted. It is recommended, therefore, that you send backups to multiple destinations to always be able to restore your databases. In this blog post, we will show how to create regular SQL Server backups and automatically send some of them to a local folder and some to the cloud (Azure Storage, for example) via SqlBak.

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