SqlBak Blog

SQL Server backup encryption: why and how?

This article will address the issue of backup encryption, why it is important, and the various approaches available. Why encrypt backups? Application-level encryption and “always encrypted” Simple backup encryption (7zip) SQL Server backup encryption Creating a certificate IMPORTANT: certificate backup Creating a backup with built-in encryption in SQL Server Restoring an encrypted SQL Server backup … Read more

SQL Server backup monitoring guide

In this article, various methods of monitoring backups and restores of SQL Server databases will be discussed, including tracking current progress and history. Tracking the status of your initiated backup If you initiate a backup yourself, you can instruct SQL Server to log the progress status by adding the WITH STATS parameter to the BACKUP … Read more

Simple SQL server backup guide for Linux

This simple guide will help you create backups of SQL Server on Linux.

SQL Server backups on Windows and Linux: what’s the difference?

The only noticeable difference is in the graphical tools.

SSMS is the main tool for SQL Server and is only available on Windows. Connecting from Windows to SQL Server on Linux is not always possible due to port security (1433). You will have to use the command line utility sqlcmd and T-SQL commands.

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SqlBak Documentation

Documentation for the SqlBak product is currently under development. We apologize for any inconvenience.

While the documentation is being finalized, you can reach out to us through our support service, and we will strive to respond to your inquiry within a few hours.

Below is a list of articles from our blog where you can find useful materials on using SqlBak:

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Over SSH – Remote MySQL Backup & Dump Transfer

What is SSH

SSH (Secure Shell) is a method of secure data transmission over a network.

Administrators often encounter it when connecting to a Linux server by entering the command

ssh userName@hostAddress
ssh userName@hostAddress, which allows them to execute commands on the remote server.

However, it is primarily a protocol, and on top of it, you can not only transmit data but also create SSH tunnels, allowing applications to transfer data over SSH.

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MySQL Command Line Backup: Top 5 CLI Utilities

Targeted at DBAs, this article offers an overview of CLI utilities for MySQL backup. The commands described can be implemented in Linux Shell (.sh) scripts, as well as in Windows cmd (.bat) and PowerShell (.ps1) scripts. In addition to creating backups, dumps and exporting data, we’ll also delve into MySQL restore commands.

The article presupposes the use of InnoDB, the default storage engine, enabling hot backups without server downtime. If not specified otherwise, you’re likely already using it. Typically, other engines would lock the tables or the entire DB during the backup.

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如何在 Linux 中自动化 MySQL 数据库备份

本博客文章所述解决方案适用于任何 Linux 发行版:Ubuntu、Red Hat、Open SUSE、CentOS、Debian、Oracle Linux 等。然而,包安装命令可能会有所不同。
自动备份 MySQL 服务器数据库对于防止数据丢失至关重要。要正确自动化备份,您需要按照以下步骤执行:

  1. 创建数据库备份
  2. 压缩备份
  3. 加密压缩文件
  4. 使用 FTP、Dropbox、AWS、Google Drive 等将备份发送到云存储
  5. 收到备份结果的邮件通知
  6. 创建备份计划
  7. 删除旧备份

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