SqlBak Blog

How to backup MySQL with SqlBak

Starting from SqlBak version 3 you can backup MySQL Server databases. SqlBak supports two ways to connect to your MySQL databases: phpMyAdmin and TCP/IP. Below you can find a step-by-step tutorial on how to backup your MySQL Server database via a TCP/IP connection. To backup MySQL Server databases, SqlBak uses the mysqldump utility. For now, with SqlBak on Windows, only full MySQL backups are available.

First of all, you have to establish connections to your MySQL Server. To do this, run the SqlBak app, click on the “Add” button and choose “MySQL Server (TCP/IP)” as a DBMS type.

In the opened window, specify your server name, username and password, then click on the “Test Connection” button to make sure the connection is set.

Once the connection is set, it’s time to create a backup job. To do this, please go to your “Dashboard” page and click on the “Add new job” button.

On the next page, go to the “Select databases” section and choose all the databases you are going to back up.

The next step is to select a place where the backups should be stored.

It is important to note that you can use multiple destinations for storing your backups.

To set a schedule for your backups, go to the “Schedule backups” section, and set the needed schedule.

We’re almost done — the last important setting is the email notification. Scroll down to the “Send email confirmation” section and specify your email address or addresses to receive the notifications about whether your backups are successful or failed.

You have set your backup job with all the necessary settings. If it is needed, you can also set encryption and compression, add local files or folders to be backed up, add custom scripts to your backup plan, and set a restore process. Once the settings are done, click on the “Save & Exit” button in the upper right corner.

That’s it — all the backup job settings are made and the backups will be performed according to the schedule.

10 thoughts on “How to backup MySQL with SqlBak”

  1. Hello, I’m trying to add a stored procedure to be executed before the backup. But it is a little complicated to perform the execution because the following error is always returned when trying to “call mystored ();” :

    Job execution error: Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    mysqldump: Couldn’t execute ‘show fields from `access’: Got error 28 from storage engine (1030)
    mysqldump: Couldn’t execute ‘SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE’ access ”: Got error 28 from storage engine (1030)

    and then errors are listed on all trigger calls …
    However, I verified that it is not necessary to try to make a stored procedure call for the error to occur … Just any simple operation such as “select column1 from bd1.table1;” or “select 1;”, the same errors are occurring.
    You can help me?

    mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.49, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
    Linux 4.15.0-136-generic
    SqlBak application 1.1.69

      • I’ve also encounter this error, and i have enough disk space.

        The log says,
        “The backup folder /tmp/sqlbak/Downloads/36699_20210902013001007815/ has 1.071TB free space. The temporary folder /tmp/sqlbak/Downloads/36699_20210902013001007815/ has 1.071TB free space.”

        and the next one error out with:
        “Job execution error: mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
        mysqldump: Got errno 28 on write”

        mysql version 5.7.29

        I wonder what is the command sqlbak runs to backup, is there a way to omit the password and use the .my.cnf instead? i think that’s what causing the error, not suppose to use -p{password} directly in command line.

        When i ssh into my server and run

        mysqldump -u{user} -p{password} my_db, i got the same warnning too, but i can run
        mysqldump my_db, successfully cause it’s reading my .my.cnf file directly.

        any idea if i can make this work?


  2. Hi,

    what is the reason if I am getting this kind of message:
    MySQLServer_Address:3306 MySQL Server (TCP/IP) connection test failed.
    mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘user’@’ip_address’ (using password: YES)

    If I telnet to the same address or try using different software – everything works fine.

    • Hi Tomas,

      Could you please let us know, are you able to connect to your database using mysql client?

      The error message you get indicates that the network address was found, but the user’s authorization in the DBMS failed.

      Thank you!

  3. Hello All,

    Do you have a copy of the backup at your side (storage/servers/…etc.) or is the backup of the db only saved in the identified directory in “Destinations”, if you don’t have a copy of the backup why in restoration we get a downloading message?

    Thank you,

  4. Hello Omelchenko,

    In backup history, you can find a button to download the backup near the restore button, and if you click on the download a pop-up dialog will open with the message :

    “Here you can download the backups to C:\demo\ folder on WEBTST-LW-2922. If you want to download them to another computer you need to do this by yourself directly from the destinations.”

    So if the backup files already existed in the selected destination, the download will be done from the selected destination to the download folder which is here”demo” in the sub-directory with the name download.

    You don’t have a copy of the backup files and the download won’t be from your side.

    Thank you,


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