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SqlBak-CLI documentation

compression_settings Section

This section sets the options for backup compression before sending it to a storage location.

To save storage space it is recommended to use the compression option since backups lend themselves well to compression.

If the compression option is enabled, then right after a backup creation, it will be compressed with ZIP.

    "compression_settings": {
        "is_enabled": <bool>,
        "compression_level": <none, fastest, fast, normal, maximum, ultra>,
        "max_volume_size": <int> 

Mandatory fields

is_enabled – flag indicates whether to compress a backup before sending it to a storage location. Possible values: true, false.


compression_level – backup compression level.

Available compression levels: none, fastest, fast, normal, maximum, ultra

max_volume_size – The size of the maximum volume archive in megabytes can be specified. If this parameter is not specified, or the value is 0, then partitioning into volumes will not occur.


Backup compression with the fastest level and splitting the archive into parts no larger than 10 gigabytes.

    "compression_settings": {
        "is_enabled": true
        "compression_level": fastest, fast, normal, maximum, ultra>,
        "max_volume_size": 10240

Compression will be skipped. A backup will be sent to a storage location immediately.

    "compression_settings": {
        "is_enabled": false