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Backup Database SQL Server

You can backup database SQL Server with the help of SqlBak. All you need is to create a backup job which will make all backup database SQL Server job for you.

Backup Database SQL Server

Before backup database SQL Server, firstly, you need to know about SQL Server recovery models. Each SQL Server recovery model has its own characteristics. Bellow, you can find information about SQL Server recovery models and learn about the importance of creating backup database SQL Server.

SQL Server recovery models

The transaction log impacts all backups within SQL Server. The processes of transaction log management are monitored by the database Recovery Models. There are certainly three:

  • Simple recovery model: All transactions are written to the log. Soon after a checkpoint, each committed transaction is always removed from the log, also known as truncating the log. Note, no point-in-time recovery.
  • Full recovery model: All transactions are written to the log. The log can only be truncated with a log backup process. Point-in-time recovery is possible.
  • Bulk-logged recovery model: All transactions are written to the log except certain types of minimally logged operations such as BULK INSERT and INSERT INTO. The log can simply be truncated with a log backup process. Point-in-time recovery is possible, provided that no minimally logged operations are in any of the necessary log backups.

Backup Database SQL Server to Protect your Data

Database failure avoidance is one of the biggest troubles in the daily life of all DBA. Data from a database are modifying every day, bit by bit increasing the size of the latter. Naturally, there is no ideal way to prevent database corruption, but there are a couple of practical procedures that can help you to bring the possibility to a minimum.

It’s crucial to mention some words about Microsoft Corporation. In spite of the point that SQL Server is 100% Microsoft application, the organization does not give any means to secure your database, meaning that database security totally up to the user.

Cases that can damage your SQL Server databases.

One other crucial option that will help you to stop database catastrophe is setting up the present updates for SQL Server and Windows. Alternatively, it will trigger the wrong working of your shift.

One of several most well-known cases that can possibly cause database corruption is an electronic breakdown; as an example, wrong perform of Disk, CPU, or Memory Module.

The following issue that can certainly potentially destroy your database is the need of saving free space on the local disk. Based on my personal practical knowledge, there were many folks who saved all SQL Server database files in zipping or 7zip files to save some space on their disks. Finally, these strategies take to a database failure. If you desperately are looking for free space, you can use a third-party tool to make database backups with compression and store them online.

One other thing that can corrupt your database is an Antivirus program. Take note that all SQL Server Database Files should be excluded from being scanned by the Antivirus applications after your antivirus tool is set up.

Also, do not forget about the case with an electrical failure.

It’s not at all an exhaustive number of breakdowns that can kill your database. So what shall we do to protect database disasters and minimize the threat? You should don’t forget that there is no perfect strategy or method that will make sure 100% prevention for your database. Nevertheless, the most beneficial thing that can help you to minimize the chance of the database corruption is set up planned database backups. Database backups cannot prevent corruption, however, they can certainly help you to restore the database with low damages.

Backup Database SQL Server

We strongly recommend that every experienced DBAs ought to perform daily database backups. This leads to the next question. How Frequent Should I create backups or what backup database SQL Server methods should I use? Before giving an answer to this question, please think about one more question.  What proportion of data can you manage to lose? Work as a DBA, I have had a great many databases to restore. And I can say that better quality backup you have the lower data you will eventually lose.

Nowadays there are some ways to backup database SQL Server:

Backup Database SQL Server with the help of T-SQL Commands:

If you wish to use the command, you need to always keep in mind that you will need to backup database SQL Server on a regular basis. Still, you need to create a plan and completely stick to it. Perhaps, perform backups with the help of commands are comfortable if the database is not huge and grows slowly. Nevertheless, in the good number of cases, changes in the database are getting the place all day and night, so how do we perform backups at night? Of course, to solve this scenario, you can discover in the Web scripts for creating schedule backups.

Backup Database SQL Server with the help of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS):

Using SSMS for generating backups is a little bit better than create backups with the help of commands. You no longer need to write commands every time when you are going to create a backup. All you need is to make several simplified steps. Please note, that you can regular backup database SQL Server. Along with the help of SSMS, but it will take extra effort from you.

Backup Database SQL Server with the help of SqlBak:

I really believe this is the most beneficial method for performing planned database backups. Everything you require is to make the job for the scheduled backups and run the application. The third-party tool will make backups according to the schedule.


So, if your databases are growing fast and there are lots of updates occurring every hour, it may be better to choose the “maniacal” backup database SQL Server strategy. Sure, most likely, it will take additional duration to recover your database if losing take place. But the percentage of data failure will be minimum.

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